Friday, March 23, 2007

abandoned playground

This is a picture which was taken at an abondoned playground.When I took this a picture,there was rubbish all over the place.I felt quite upset because people don't take care of the enviroment.I'm sure this abandoned playground will be heaven for the monkeys which live right on the hill which we live at now.Yes,monkeys just love our trash!They'll do anything to get to the trash just to find food.


Anonymous said...

why is it abandoned? seems to me it's a nice place to put a play ground.

ps. i think you need to go to register this blog at the dailyphoto portal. So that your photo will appear at the portal. Go here

Dijah said...

I guess its because of the rubbish around the playground.I think it wasn't like this before all of the rubbish started to be thrown there.

edwin s said...

Wah-eh-wah! Buta-buta malam can still come comment on KLDP. Tak nak tidur ke? :)

Mandy said...

shame about it being abandoned -- maybe someone will clear it up