As you can see,there's a television in the area where women pray which is on the 1st level or ground level.The television displays the movements of the
imam just in case the microphone doesn't work.Last year,I prayed at the second level and the second level didn't have a television.There was one time when the microphone didn't work and it was dreadful to keep up with the imam's movements.So far,the microphone is still working.
Cool photo! Is photography allowed inside the mosque??
Dijah, Ramadhan Mubarak ya....nice shot, a picture really does tell a story, wassalam
The women are removed from the main floor, right?
thats inside the mosque?
Great pic. Not being religious at all, I don't understand any system which places women at a remove from the mainstream. But I love the embroidery on their hijabs (sorry if that's the wrong word)
this is a great photo...the clothes of the women are special to me.
Ming-I don't know. :D
Ian-Happy belated Ramadhan to you too :)
Annie-Yes it is.
Travel-Yes it is.
Sally-Men and women aren't allowed to be in one place together.That's all.That's why the women are in a different area.
BTW,it's a telekung. :)
Zsolt-Yes they are.
Why doesn't the Imam go there in person?
A very interesting photo.
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