Today,right after I woke up,my dad said he was bringing us out for breakfast.Usually,I won't go because I'd rather stay at home and eat bread with St. Dalfours jam and watch televeision but today I decided to go out with them.We went to a lontong shop by the side of the road which is only about 10 minutes from home.The picture above shows lontong.Lontong is basically 'nasi impit' which is served with vegetable stew or better known here as 'Sayur Lodeh' and topeed with 'sambal' and toasted coconut or better known here as 'kerisik'.
'Nasi impit' is something like ketupat but now they have the instant ones which only require it to be boiled for a few minutes.Ketupat takes a much more longer time because you have to weave the casing and then fill it up and boil it in a very large pot.That is usually done about 1 week before Hari Raya in my 'kampung',Muar.My grand aunties, who are excellent cooks,takes ketupat orders every Hari Raya,I find their ketupat very nice especially with peanut sauce or better known as 'kuah kacang'.