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Chicken nuggets?? You're kidding!! The juice looks good to me--great colour!
Nuggets, I'm sure, are more nutritious than a lot of what passes for breakfast these days!
I go for the juice!:)
Sound delicious and the juice so inviting :)
nuggets? betul ke?
Actually I like them too, but not for breakfast..
No Nasi Lemak, lontong, etc? hehe..
Happy Theme Day!
What sort of juice? Tomato.
I think I would throw up at the thought of nuggets for breakfast! Hope you do get to get beyond that soon.
What kind of nuggets? the juice looks great.
Even toddlers need something other than nuggets. Ah, the picky eating years. Hope you get a reprieve soon. ;^)
Very cute!
hehe i love nuggets. i even love nuggets commercial here in the philippines.
Nuggets? I don't know what these are but reading the comments it seems they are chicken! Goodness...think I'd not be able to manage that.
des nuggets au petit-dejeuner ;o) apres cela, ils ont la forme pour toutes la journée ;o)
nuggets with the breakfast ;O) after that, they have the form for all the day ;O)
Kids will be kids!
Are those chicken nuggets? I suppose it is better for you than some starchy donuts.
I like the photo.
Brookville Daily Photo-Theme Day
Nice shot. The nuggets looks yummy but I prefer them to be my snacks. :p
I prefer the juices cos it looks great! *slurp*
Like the fruit juice but not the nuggets!
I don't think I'd be able to eat that for breakfast, but the juice looks delicious!
Having little ones around does tend to change what's on the menu!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
Well, at least you get a colorful breakfast! :)
Kate-Yes,of course.I had them again just now.The juice is tasty as well.
RR-Yes,but my mum doesn't approve of them.
Tanty-Yes,it is.
That's only on Sundays or Saturdays.
Sally-I think it was beetroot and apples.
So far I haven't thrown up yet.I'm still surviving.
Kim-Well,my brothers sometimes agree to egg fried rice.
Neva-You think so?:D
Travel-The commercials are always cute!
Jilly-Yes,they are chicken.
Olivier-They do :D
R&R-Of course.Can't wait for them to grow up and then we'll stop eating nuggets for breakfast.
Abraham-Probabbly it is better.
Emily-I take nuggets as my snack for lunch at school.The juice tastes as good as it looks.
Lynn & Vic-Haha,who loves them?
Jelvi-Yes it does!
Tomate-Yes,but it makes me sick sometimes.I guess too much chicken.
I'm amazed, now that is a traditional breakfast!!
Julia-It is?
Who doesn't love chicken nuggets? Only real chicken nuggets, of course!
Ming-What's the difference?
I love angle from where you catch most of your photo. Your blog is a blow of youth !!!
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