Thursday, May 24, 2007

splashing party #2

These are the kiddos at the party.After eating their snacks,they brought some empty cups along into the river to catch fish!Yes,there were fish in there,but tiny little ones.Didn't manage to get snaps of the fish though,they were too fast.I joined in too and it was great fun!Taught me to be more patient.


Ming the Merciless said...

Looks like fun! As a kid, I used to play in the pools too.

Dijah said...

ming-It is fun.You should try!

Anonymous said...

going into water, catching fish..there should be more party like this for kids!

Dijah said...

kris-Yes,there should.Everyone was very happy eventhough there wasn't the normal games like musical chairs and that statue type of game.

nixirafarra said...

hey. isi rimba? bkan kat sblh joran terjun ke? we went barbeque kat stu la deq oi...

Dijah said...

kak naz-yeye kat sebelah tu.laa,sebelah tu je xpergi.